Types of Wood for Exotic House Roofs
Types of Wood for Exotic House Roofs – Even though there are currently many lightweight steel roofs and others being used, wood remains a favorite. Types of wood for roofs are still widely traded with various qualities.
Indonesia, which is a tropical forest country, is able to produce high quality wood. Well, if you want the best quality roof, the choice of wood must be from solid wood types, one of which is produced from tropical forests in Indonesia.
The choice of wood for the roof can affect the structure of the house in the future. For that, before buying or building a house with a wooden roof, knowledge about the best type of solid wood for the roof is an absolute must.
7 Types of Wood for a Sturdy and Exotic Roof

The main reason someone chooses a wooden roof is because they want to show an exotic roof structure. Having a house with its own exposed roof is quite a unique thing.
Your house will be a reference when you can build a roof from wood and create exotic results. Supporting a better appearance, you can give a coat of paint on your solid wood roof. What are the types of wood for the roof of the house that can give an exotic and beautiful impression? Here are the options.
1. Sonokeling
Sonokeling wood has a characteristic blackish color with very clear yellowish-white fibers. This contrasting color difference is able to create an exotic impression.
No wonder many homeowners choose to make exposed roofs with this wood. In addition, sonokeling also has a strength level of class I and II and a level of durability in the same class.
2. Bengkirai
This type of wood for the roof, which was originally from Kalimantan, is no less good than rosewood. Often used as wood for roofing, decking, fences and also building construction.
The color is brownish and some are yellowish and make it look exotic. The direction of the fiber is straight, almost like mahogany but some are curved. Bengkirai with a yellowish color is more familiarly called yellow balau.
3. Ulin
Still wood originating from Kalimantan, Ulin is a type of wood that is famous for being sturdy, strong and durable. The strong and durable class is almost the same as teak, namely classes I to II. The color tends to be dark brown but not as dark as rosewood.
The size of the wood itself is very large, namely up to 120 cm in diameter with a length of up to 50 meters. The color is more inclined towards dark and resistant to sea water. That’s why it is used very often for the manufacture of fishing boats.
4. Merbau
At first glance, it looks very similar to coconut wood, but the color of the sapwood and the terrace is more contrasting. In addition, the size of the merbau is much larger than the diameter of the coconut wood. The color is dominated by yellow to reddish brown which is similar to teak.
The question of durable level and strong class are both at level I and II. Merbau is very good for dealing with termites and fungus problems. Most of this wood comes from Papua, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.
5. Camphor
The characteristic of this type of wood for this roof is that it has a strong and fragrant aroma so that it can repel insects such as termites. It is for this reason that camphor is so much more resistant to insects.
The color of camphor is lighter than teak and towards yellow. The fibers are also straight blend, making it more exotic. Those of you who want a wooden roof at a lower price can use camphor wood.
6. Agarwood
Known to be sturdy and strong and have often been used, agarwood is now quite rare. This native wood from Indonesia is often exported to be used as building materials. Those of you who live in Indonesia certainly should not miss the opportunity to use agarwood as a roof.
Agarwood is resistant to termites, fungi and weather changes. It has a light brown color, the older it tends to blacken, and the wood has a resinous aroma that is strong enough to repel termites.
7. Teak
You must be familiar with the type of teak wood. Often a mainstay of wood which is processed into house roofs to furniture. Even the remains of pieces of teak wood are used as handicrafts for export.
Its light brown color coupled with thread-like fibers makes it even more beautiful and exotic. You have to spend quite a bit if you want to use this wood as a roof.
Tricks to make the roof of the house look exotic
After knowing all the types of wood for a sturdy, strong and durable roof, now is the time to find out how to make it even more exotic. Some types of wood such as bengkirai or camphor have fibers that tend to be straight.
These fibers will not be attractive if you only apply a coat of varnish. Including all types of wood if only varnished will not give a more exotic color or look pale.
How to make all types of wood for this roof more exotic, here are some tricks you can do.
1. Using a Rustic Finish
An exotic look will be seen if you use a rustic finish. The old impression on the furniture will be felt because of the damaged appearance that focuses on the wood grain. The rustic way of wood is not difficult.
You just need to use a wire brush or hammer and an iron chain. If using a wire, just scratch it along the grain of the wood. Make it as natural as possible so that the wood grain is more visible.
2. Use Glaze for All Finishes
Rustic, vintage, or flat finishes will give you an exotic wood look if you use glaze. This finishing material is very concentrated so that it will make the appearance of the wood grain sharper.
Choose dark glaze colors like brown or black, avoid light colors like gray and white. Apply glaze after you use the wood stain because the color of the wood is already lighter.
3. Choose the Wood Stain according to the Original Color of the Wood
Wood stain is often used to change the color of natural wood, but its function is also to strengthen the original color of the wood. For example, if you use a type of wood for a teak roof, then choose a teak color stain as well.
This color will sharpen the original wood so that it becomes more exotic, different if you don’t do any finishing at all. In addition, wood stain also makes it easier for the glaze to work.
4. Using Clear Coat Matte
The last tip is to rely on a matte clear coat to make exotic wood look more natural. Clear coat matte is very suitable to be used compared to satin or more glossy colors.
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